New Moon Solar Eclipse - 12/14/20
New Moon Eclipse, created by Niki Baker
Is any one else having wild dreams this past week?
I’m talking drugged up mutant dinosaurs in cages kinda dreams…
Asking for a friend.
Well, I’m going to chalk it up to the solar eclipse and New Moon coming up on December 14.
New Moons don’t get enough credit, but I like them more than the Full Moon phase.
New Moons are a time for setting intentions. If you think of the lunar phase as a life cycle, the New Moon is the birth. At this time you have unlimited potential, a fresh start, and infinite possibilities. Everything is exciting and an adventure!
On top of this, we have a solar eclipse this month AND…
it’s the last New Moon of 2020!
So what does a New Moon really mean?
Take the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon. A New Moon happens when the Moon positions itself between the Earth and the Sun. During a New Moon, the Moon finds itself at its greatest distance from Earth. On the other hand, a Full Moon occurs when the Moon appears on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun. During a Full Moon, the Moon situates itself closest to Earth. In the course of this month’s solar eclipse, the Moon will align with the Sun so the three objects will be in a perfect row, Sun/Moon/Earth. A solar eclipse occurs during daylight hours. The Moon blocks out the Sun’s light and turns day to night, if only for a brief moment. Solar eclipses only happen 2-4 times a year.
To understand the spiritual and emotional symbology and importance of a solar eclipse, you have to understand the Sun and Moon. The Moon symbolizes our emotional core and the subconscious realm. This is why things get a little heated before a Full Moon. When the Moon snuggles close to the Earth, our energy will be at its strongest because the Moon pulls at our emotions. The Sun is the opposite. It aligns with our external selves, the side we present to the world. The Sun symbolizes our personality, goals and desires, and self-expression.
Okay, I get it. Sun… Moon… now what?
A solar eclipse symbolizes positive change and growth. The natural order of things is disturbed when day turns to night. This is the forceful change that happens in our lives. But like the eclipse, it is short lived. We quickly adapt to the new normal and move on with our lives. This is the exponential growth and development of our internal and external selves. Sun and Moon unite / Our subconscious aligns with our outer selves. The changes influenced by a solar eclipse are the turning point that launches us toward our purpose.
When you think of it that way, it really is the perfect ending to 2020.
Next up:
The Moon in Sagittarius
Every moon phase happens in a zodiac sign. Right now, it is Sagittarius season which puts our New Moon in Sagittarius and all da widdle babies born from November 21 to December 21 will be a Sagittarius.
The symbolic energy of the Moon phase is influenced by the traits of the zodiac it is in.
Still with me?
This New Moon is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the zodiac sign of freedom and independence. They are natural leaders and strive for wisdom and knowledge. We often pick up on the traits of the zodiac house we are in at any given time. This is especially true during New and Full Moons when energy is amplified. So be prepared to pick up on the traits of Sagittarius which are adventurous, trailblazing, sophisticated, adept, and grateful.
Sounds like the perfect New Moon solar eclipse cocktail!
New Moon - New Beginning - New Year!
Wanna celebrate? Here’s what you can do:
Moon Magic Option 1: Reflect!
Take this time to go inward. Reflect on the areas of yourself that need love and light. How can you help yourself? How can you rise above? With compassion! This year’s theme has been compassion, but so often we forget to be compassionate to ourselves. Listen to your intuition. This year has also been a time of great development to that inner voice. Can you hear it? What does it say? Pay attention. Journal. Meditate. Reflect. Observe the synchronicities happening all around you. Blossom. Breathe with your heart. Live through your heart. Allow for the space to amplify your heart’s energy; Yes, just like the Grinch.
Moon Magic Option 2: Journal!
The last solar eclipse was on June 5, 2020. Do you have a journal page to read from that time period? Can you remember what was happening in your world during that time? What challenges were you facing? What synchronicities were you observing? What areas of your life pulled your focus? It might be a good time to revisit this period and see how far you have come, now that we have come full circle. And take some time to write down your thoughts for this New Moon eclipse so you may reflect back once again.
Moon Magic Option 3: Intentions!
What do you want for 2021? This is the perfect time to set your intentions for this fresh start. Who do you want to be? How do you want to present yourself to the world? How do you want to treat others, and most importantly, yourself? Try writing down these thoughts as if they were already reality. This is intention writing!
Always keep your intentions positive and in present tense. Have them focus on the desired feeling behind the accomplishment you wish to obtain.
If you want to loose weight, your intention wouldn’t be “I am thin.” Try this on for size (pun intended): Ask yourself why you want to loose the weight. There is likely a desired feeling behind it. You want to feel confident. You want to be healthy. Or, if your answer is because you think you would be more beautiful or desirable, try again! This is not a positive intention. AND, something like that is only putting negative energy out into the universe which is what you will get back. Perhaps this is the reason you haven’t been able to loose the weight in the first place, because the intention behind it is not aligned to your higher self. Try shifting your perspective. Easier said than done, but there will be more blog posts for that topic.
Here is an example of a negative intention: “I don’t eat junk food.”
How about this instead…
“I only put into my body, that which nourishes me and gives me strength.”
This one needs work: “I am skinny and sexy.”
Let’s try…
“I am healthy of body, mind, and spirit. I am whole and comfortable in my skin. I love and cherish my body.”
Okay, now it’s your turn! Can you think of one intention for this New Moon? Leave it in the comments below!
Thank you for your time and wishing you all that good Moon magic!
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🌚 Abigail
Niki spent nearly the entire workday taking a microscope to my values as they relate to each of the 8 dimensions of well-being. See Niki and BB’s results in determining their Inner Compass / Core Personal Values.