A Message From My Higher Self…
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but…
While doing my morning yoga, I noticed my whole body tingling with energy.
I could feel my aura trembling.
I had the sudden spark of inspiration telling me to do a meditation after my practice.
I am well familiar to these sudden sparks and I know them to be my intuition which I always (try to) follow. I could sense there was a message from my Higher Self so I sifted through some Higher Self meditations on Youtube. I landed on a 36 minute hypnosis for meeting your Higher Self by Michael Sealey found here.
Find my other Higher Self meditation suggestions at the end of this post.
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
This is my truth. It may not be your truth. The following passage was a message I received from my Higher Self in regards to my current situation. This may be helpful for some but it is not the answer for everyone.
Here is what I asked and also what I answered…
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
How can I be the best version of myself?
Our best self isn’t in the grand moments of life but in the small and mundane. Make the simple choices each day to do what is right and what honors your calling and your Higher Self.
All the tools are there inside of you.
Listen to your intuition and let it steer your decisions.
If you hear your intuition guiding you toward a certain choice, this moment is where you can embrace your best self. It is all up to you. All the answers lay within you. You have the power to change.
Why do we ignore our intuition?
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash.
If you ignore your intuitive guidance, nothing is to blame but yourself. People label themselves as procrastinators, lazy, incapable… But these choices do not define you. To say “ I am a procrastinator” is so detrimental to our mindset. You are not a label. You have made choices to act in a way that does not serve your best self. But your best self is met by the culmination of all the small choices you make. So start making small choices that feel good.
All your reasonings for not doing something aligned to your calling or purpose is a choice in fear: fear of success, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of loneliness.... What many don’t understand yet is that even failure is a step in the right direction. However, even being in the fear mindset is part of your life’s path. There is no courage without fear. Experiencing fear is an opportunity in and of itself. If we can change our perspective of the fear itself to notice its potential, we can rise above the fear. Every moment has the potential to spark a change. That change will come when you truly want it and when you are ready for it. This is true because we are all in control of our own lives through perspective and mindset. It is all up to you. All the answers lay within you. You have the power to change.
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash.
What is getting in my way of reaching my full potential?
Fear of success often gets in the way. You have a grand vision of what you will achieve in this life. But the thought of not actually accomplishing it prevents you from taking appropriate actions to achieving it. You are empowering this fear-based thought process. But that is all it is. It is not a definitive stamp on your life that you will fail completely. If you map it out, you are not even capable of complete failure. Failure is part of the process and the experience of life and self-mastery.
What is a thought really? It is a whim. a fleeting glimpse. You have so much more power than a single thought. You ARE the power behind the thought. So change your thoughts or acknowledge them for what they really are: a fleeting glimpse. You have a destiny in this life and you will accomplish it no matter what resistance you face. You are the only thing in your way, so step aside and let your intuition guide you. Let it go. It is up to you to decide when you will persevere and get beyond the fear. Your future is there waiting for you. Make the choice not to succumb to the fear, but to act courageously against it. It is all up to you. All the answers lay within you. You have the power to change.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
What actions can I take to ensure I make the right decisions in all the small moments of a day?
Start each day with a promise to yourself. Craft a mantra to recite when you awaken to each new beginning. Trust this mantra will fill you with the power to follow your intuition and make the choices aligned with your purpose. This infinite power is already at your finger tips. You command it. If you believe in it, it will direct itself to your liking. Make this promise to be your best self each day. If this promise gets broken (which it will), address yourself with a sincere apology and urge that you will not give up on this day but accept the current situation and try again in the future (just as you would do for anyone else who was relying on you). Build up the trust and alliance within you. Be your own best friend. It is all up to you. All the answers lay within you. You have the power to change.
Higher Self Meditation References:
Connect To Higher Self: 1 hour guided meditation
Hypnosis For Meeting Your Higher Self: 36 minute guided meditation
We would love to hear from you! Let’s us know your thoughts and tell us about your personal meditation experiences in the comments below.
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