Capricorn Season And The Great Mutation & Conjunction
I know I say this all the time, but… we have a big astrological shift coming!
Capricorn season starts December 22 to January 19. Directly following the Winter Solstice and the ancient pagan holiday, Yule on December 21st. This happens every year and marks a big transition, not only in the season, but reflected in our lives. It is a time to switch gears and reflect inwardly. We store our energy and resources and start to plan ahead. At this time daylight is fleeting. We, too, must conserve our light and move at a steady pace.
What’s so special about something that happens every year?
Well… 2 things: the Great Conjunction & the Great Mutation. More on that later. Let’s start small.
As we know, every 30 days we move into a new zodiac sign. This means the Sun rises in a different constellation. It feels like just yesterday I was writing about entering Sagittarius season, one of our more boisterous and gregarious signs who love to celebrate. Capricorn, on the other hand, is a more studious, serious and inward sign. Since their season lands smack dab in the middle of winter and encompasses the New Year, they have very strong seasonal instincts.
Think of a squirrel. The squirrel works hard to prepare for the cold months ahead. They are gathering nuts and seeds and storing them in abundance. They put on their winter weight to ensure their comfort all through the season. Capricorns are like this, they plan ahead and work hard. They are goal-setters and to-do task masters.
As a Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorns are born leaders. They are often the initiators or pioneers of new ideas and directions. Caps love to find mastery within their specialty, often becoming mentors and teachers. They want only the best and are known to take the practical approach. Because of this they can be very stubborn or hard-headed (just look at their zodiac symbol, the Goat), but this is only because they are skilled and know what they’re doing. Just remember, no one becomes a master without help. Don’t be afraid to lean on others, speak up when you are lost or confused, and ask for assistance. Or, simply put it out into the Universe if you need guidance or help and help will find you. Even by writing down your struggles or lack of direction in a journal, you will begin to gain clarity and insight into your own thoughts, habits, or experiences.
Capricorn season is a time to follow your feminine Yin energy and look inward. If you haven’t already, start to study your own self-mastery. Let’s reflect back on 2020, consider using these as journal prompts…
How far have you come in the last year?
What have your internal themes been in 2020?
What synchronicities have you picked up on recently?
What have you learned about yourself?
What has become important to you this year that you overlooked in the past?
How do you want to feel spiritually, professionally, physically, mentally, socially?
What direction do you want to take?
What do you want to change in your life?
Build your resolutions around these answers and the new values you have incorporated into your life throughout all the struggle you have overcome this past year.
This is it.
You made it.
You are still here.
You are not broken.
You are stronger than ever.
Move forward with a confident and fearless energy.
These Capricorn themes and general traits will be reflected in all zodiac signs, most strongly in Capricorns and Aquarius. You will soon see your own inner leader stand up and take over. This is especially significant since this whole year has been somewhat transcendental. I like to attribute it to a Phoenix. I can only speak for myself, but I am not the same person I was when I came into 2020. This year has been transformational for me and many I know. Now, the Winter Solstice is the cap to all the change that has taken place. From here I/we, move forward and embrace fully the new us. As the Solstice transitions into winter, we transition into the new person we have become.
Who else is feeling this? Tell me in the comments below!
Great Conjunction, what’s your function?
Back to the Great Conjunction. The planets, Saturn & Jupiter, are the most socially-oriented planets and the largest planets in our solar system. They carry the energy of connection and relationships. These planets will be at zero degrees of Aquarius on the night of December 21st. This means they will appear to meet or come together as seen from Earth. This only happens every 20 years. Because of this, the energy of these planets will be magnified. As they say, “we are all in this together.” What better time to celebrate that?
Honor the relationships in your life. Reach out to love ones, old friends, or new friends. You can view this astral event with a telescope, binoculars or the naked eye! Just look to the western horizon an hour after the sun sets. What is even more special is that, even though this happens every 20 years, the last time the planets were this close was in the year 1623 and before that, 1226.
Image by Johannes Kepler, first to predict a Great Conjunction in 1606.
And what was that about mutated planets?
It’s called the Great Mutation. A Great Mutation happens every 200 years. Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter over the last 200 years have all been in Earth sign, Capricorn. This is the first conjunction since that will happen in an Air sign, Aquarius. This is a symbolic new beginning. Like air the element, Air signs are all about the unseen. The symbolic meaning of an Air sign reflects a shift in consciousness or spiritual awakening. This is in part due to this Great Mutation and a movement towards the age of Aquarius. There are more Spiritual Awakenings taking place over the last decade. There is a greater push toward well-being, self-mastery and mental health. This will continue to happen, slowly unfolding, until we are a more spiritually centered people. Moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, however, will not be easy. There will be much resistance, as can already be seen. Considering the traits of Capricorn being pessimistic, stubborn, pragmatic, and grounded, this is not surprising.
Read more about these changes in a wonderful article I found by Daljeet Peterson.
Image curtesy of E. Siegel / Stellarium
How to embrace the season…
Celebrate those you love through open communication! Make some phone calls, grab some Boundless Stationery and write those letters. Reach out with an open heart and share!
Go be a Goal-Setter! Embrace your inner Capricorn and break down those long held dreams into actionable steps. Evaluate your goals. What is essential, what is scrap-able? What can you do each day to further your progress?
Practice acceptance in yourself! We have all changed over the last year. Let’s release the old us and envelop the new you! Be kind to yourself above all else.
Practice grounding in honor of Capricorn season! As an Earth sign, Capricorns love to feel grounded. Try a grounding meditation to align your spirit with the energy of the Earth.
It’s easy to fall too heavily into your work life during Capricorn season. Remember to not take yourself too seriously. Maintain your child-like enthusiasm, be playful and light with yourself and others. Try something spontaneous!
And finally, Capricorn rules the spine and bones. Practice good posture and move with gentle exercise like yoga!
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