10 Signs You’re Having A Spiritual Awakening


What is a Spiritual Awakening?

A Spiritual Awakening feels like a tangible connection to one's soul. It’s a moment in a person's life when they become aware of their connection to the world around them and that it is all one and the same. It’s like seeing through to a new dimension. You suddenly have more awareness, more presence in each moment. You see clearly the connections between your experiences and feelings. It’s a shift in consciousness. Suddenly you are in tune with the highest truth and the heart of our planet. Spiritual Awakening starts with a spark. It could be ignited by a book you read, a conversation you had… Or perhaps, like me, you have always had a knowing of something greater than your individual self. 

Your Spiritual Awakening is not a phase. You can try to ignore it for a time, but it will never extinguish. Only when you engage with it, explore it and nurture it, does it grow and encompass your life. 

Your spiritual awakening is a beautiful thing and will be one of the greatest accomplishments of your life. During your Awakening, you connect with your highest self, your values align with your true purpose, and you live your life authentically. 

10 Signs You’re Having A Spiritual Awakening

1. Awareness

Maybe you have started to ask yourself more questions about your own patterns. 

Why can’t I get healthy?

Why do I choose toxic relationships?

Why do I always feel so alone?

This is awareness. Instead of blaming the outside world for your problems, you have turned them inward and are practicing self-reflection. This is a great way to get to the root of an issue and make a permanent change. 

The first step in growth is awareness. Just like the 12-step program: Step #1 - Admit you have a problem. 

2. Compassion

Empathy for the struggles of others is building inside of you. You feel you can sense another person’s emotions more clearly. At first you may feel the need to help or fix this. In time, you will learn to hold space for another’s emotions while honoring your own. 

Your compassion for those around you offers a new perspective. Your heart strengthens and expands. Be sure to turn your compassion to yourself as well as others around you.

3. Connection

You may be noticing more interest in others. Perhaps you give more people the benefit of the doubt. You are showing care and concern to others and reach out or volunteer your time for the benefit of your community. 

This connection can also be extended to the nature around us. Maybe you are taking in the moments and feel at one with nature. Perhaps you are observing more details in nature that you would have previously overlooked.

This is all happening because you are becoming aware of your connection to all entities on this planet. 

4. Intuition

Your gut is acting up, but not in a bad way. You are becoming aware of a new sense that is strengthening in your core. It guides you to your true feelings and helps to serve the choices you make. If you go against this, it is almost certain it will be to your detriment. But even in those times, it offers us the opportunity to learn and grow. Every experience is positive in that respect. 

5. Ego

When you lead with ego when making decisions and engaging with others or allow your feelings to take over, you are not living in tune to your higher self. During a Spiritual Awakening, these choices become more apparent and go against your core values more and more. You become more aware of your ego and choose to not act on it. You can also see the ego in others more clearly. 

6. Peace

Even during times of struggle, you feel an inner sense of calm. Things don’t seem as heavy to you because you see the connection and purpose in it all. 

7. Synchronicity

Like an Easter egg hunt from the Universe, you pick up on synchronicities that seem to guide you along your path. This reinforces that you are moving in the right direction!

8. Fear

You see all that you feared from a new angle. You may even be able to separate yourself from the feeling to analyze your fears, as if you were an outsider. Suddenly, you can see the emotions that stand behind the fear as if wearing a mask. From here you can process these feelings to overcome the fear that now doesn’t seem so scary. 

9. Authenticity

Spiritual Awakening is awakening the connection to your higher self. When you feel this connection, it is easier to live authentically. You make decisions based on your core desired feelings and values. Everything connects back to your soul and your heart is magnified. You are living your purpose. 

10. Joy

Your heart is overflowing. You feel tremendous hope and light from within. You may not know it yet, but your Spiritual Awakening has begun and you will never be the same. You will never want to go back, only forward. There is a sudden yearning for more information and you can’t absorb it fast enough. 

If You are Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening…

Be aware that there are multiple stages of Spiritual Awakening. More on them in another post. Each stage feels very different and each gets you closer to enlightenment. Even while working with your Shadow Self, uncovering old traumas, or processing buried feelings, you will never regret the work you do to advance your Spiritual Awakening.

If you need guidance or support during this process, Boundless is here for you.

Connect with our Spiritual Awakening Coach, BB, to learn how we can help. Visit her page here.

Embrace the Journey.


Radiant Buckeye Butterfly

Inspired by the stages of spiritual awakening, this beautiful illustration was created by artist Niki Baker. You can find it featured on items in our shop. Click the link below!

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