How To Navigate The Pandemic With Compassion

Shop Anatomical Heart by Niki Baker

Shop Anatomical Heart by Niki Baker

How have you shown compassion?

Throughout the course of this pandemic, my recurring theme has been compassion. Being an empath, I've spent much of my life balancing the weight of others’ emotions with my own. For the last 7 months, however, I've explored more deeply the concept of compassion. We're all in this together and this virus has affected every single human life on the planet. Being compassionate to how we're all coping through this crisis has been the key to moving through these new times. Reaching out more than usual to people I may not have spoken to has become a regular routine. Always ask others how they're making out. Never stop inquiring. Showing gratitude for any services great or small not only lifts up the person offering their services, but you as well. I make it a point now to race outside for every delivery to shout “Thank you for your service!" and I can’t help but grin. 

It doesn’t matter how you vote, who you love, how you live. Show kindness and compassion. Exercise your heart. 

Show Gratitude

I want to reiterate the necessity for gratitude - always, but especially in times when it can feel like a struggle to find a single thing to be grateful for at all. On the West Coast, our air is poison and we just melted in a record-breaking heatwave. Coupled with the pandemic, most of the activities that bring us joy or offer us ways to cope were impossible to do.

When you find your internal soundtrack playing those familiar tunes of hopelessness, take a deep breath and spend a moment observing your mind without judgment. Gently guide your thoughts to more uplifting themes.

  • What and who are you thankful for?

  • Everything is impermanent - what do you look forward to when the worst of this is over?

  • What can you do in this moment to feel empowered and in control? 

Throughout the pandemic, especially when I’m feeling bluer than normal, I’ve been sending cards and gifts to my friends and family in the mail. Two birds! I support the USPS & bring some joy to the people I love.

  • What can you do to spread your spirit to those around you?

I’ll also repeat what BB mentioned:

Be Kind

Be nice to the people you see each day. Be especially generous with your kindness, patience, and gratitude when you interact with essential workers. Practice empathy. Try to imagine how impossibly difficult it is to work under conditions like this. Finally, apply all these same rules to how you treat yourself. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.

Here if you need me.

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Inspired by loving kindness, this block printed illustration was created by artist Niki Baker. You can find it featured on items in our shop. Click the link below!


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