Showing Curiosity Toward Your Emotions

A guide to sitting with your complex feelings.

The interrogation of our feelings unlocks a deeper understanding of our values, purpose and fears. Instead of fleeing from uncomfortable emotions, let us practice exploration.


"Curiosity killed the cat, but the answer brought them back."

You don't frequently hear the full version of this idiom. Why do you think this is most often shared as a harrowing tale, with the happy ending truncated?

When we foster ignorance, we become more easily manipulated by those with power.

It's a mechanism of control used by institutions committed to upholding the structures that benefit only themselves. Whenever encouraged to remain in the dark about something, it may serve us to meet that suggestion with a healthy level of skepticism.

The same can be said of our internal battles.

Many of us are taught to assert that same level of ignorance over our own emotions - to suppress them instead of investigating. The feelings of power like fear, insecurity & anxiety often flex over positive emotion or desired feelings.

Next time you encounter feelings of indifference (the opposite of curiosity) creeping in, pause for a moment to act with wonderment instead.

Sit with your feelings.

Remind yourself that your emotions do not control you. You have the agency to explore your inner workings.

Ask yourself:

  • What triggered this emotion?

  • When did I last feel something similar?

  • Where in my body do I sense the impacts?

  • How might I describe this feeling?

  • If this feeling were a weed in my subconscious, where does the root stem from?

  • How do I wish to feel?

  • What can I learn from this?

You may gain power over a “negative” feeling when the source is uncovered and dissected.

In this process, you begin a separation of yourself from the feeling. You gain clarity that this feeling does not define you. Your difficult emotions or less than ideal reactions might be a product of a past trauma or learned behavior. If you pay attention, you may find your response is a manifestation of your intuition. Your intuition could be trying to alert you to subconscious feelings about a person, choices or events.

With understanding comes growth and development. The once “negative” emotion transforms into a positive learning opportunity.

Approaching difficult emotions with genuine interest works in conflict as well.

The next time you find yourself reverting to a defensive or martyred response, take a moment to get inquisitive.

  • What might have led this person to feel the way they do?

  • What about our interaction triggered this response within me?

  • Is there something deeper behind our feelings in this moment?

Responding with genuine interest helps fortify your friendship by creating a safe space. This tactic may create a bit of room for you both to breathe and grow together.



In my own life right now,

I'm towing the line between too much curiosity vs. healthy information seeking. Much of my downtime is spent ravenously researching our climate future. I'm using the information as an opportunity to help ensure a safe & happy future for my family and myself, but the amount of time I spend doing it should be curbed. It's difficult to stay optimistic about the future when constantly barraged with horrific facts. Instead of diving deeper into the myriad devastating possibilities, I can shift the knowledge gathering to more optimistic places and ask:

  • What do I need to learn right now to help me make smart choices for my future?

  • What is directly in my control?

  • How can I amend my behavior to slow the impacts of climate change?

  • Who can I support in their endeavors?

Once again, the pursuit of balance must be made a priority, along with a shifting of mindset.

What's got you feeling curious lately? Share with us in the comments!

Do you need a daily reminder to engage with curiosity? Do you hope to foster your feelings of abundance? Our exclusive Boundless art print will fill your home with meaning and uplifting reminders to pursue your well-being. Shop our Curious Words Art Print by clicking on the image to the left!

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Abigail & Nicole


Full Moon Magic